Club SciKidz MD

Application Submitted

Your application has been submitted successfully. Good luck!

A resume is required
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Personal Details

Full Name*

A full name is required

Email Address*

An email is requiredAn email is required

Phone Number*

A phone number is required

Cover Letter

A cover letter is required

Personal Information

  • Will you be at least 16 years old by June 1, 2025?*

    A response is required
  • What city/town do you live in?*

    A response is required
  • What high school do you attend?*

    A response is required
  • Tell me a little about yourself:*

    (Include things like your interests, hobbies, special skills, etc.)

    A response is required
  • List any job or volunteer experience you have:*

    A response is required
  • Why would you like to work for Club SciKidz MD this summer?*

    A response is required
  • How did you hear about this employment opportunity?*

    A response is required
  • What is your availability to work this summer?*

    You are scheduled to work by the week. For the weeks you work, you need to be available from 8am through 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. In this section, you can include thins like the number of weeks you'd like to work, your available starting & ending date and if there are any weeks that you canNOT work. 

    A response is required

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Click the Submit button below to finish.
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